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Fader screenshot

The Fader is the go-to tool for sending continuous values e.g. volume or opacity control or MIDI CC messages. By default is has an up and down button over and under the slider to go to the maximum and minimum values.


Like the Button the Fader can be used with both, Commands and Triggers.


Comparing wih the Button the Fader only has one Command Stack. Also, most of the Commands of Generic Connectors that can be used with the Fader allow you to map the Fader range to a specifiy output range by defining the minimum and maximum output values.


The Fader also support Trigger. You can add them by dragging and dropping the Device to the Stack. The difference in comparioson with the Button is that you need to explicitly bind the Fader to an incoming value by pressing the grey circular arrow button. When active, it turns blue.

As an example we use the MIDI Connector. For incoming Note On messages we have two possible values we can bind to. Data1 which refers to the pitch and Data2 which is the velocity. In the screenshot below the Fader value is bound to the velocity. Multiple bindings of different Triggers can be active at a time and will overwrite the current value.

Fader Trigger screenshot



The Fader comes in two different styles. By default the Fader is oriented vertically but there is also a horizontal mode.


The Fader supports two different scale modes. By default the values are spread evenly over the range of the slider which is a linear behaviour. In some cases like volume or brightness control it might be more suitable to go with a logarithmic scale instead. The Scale Property lets you select the mode that suits your use case best.

Standard Value

This is the value the fader is set to when the project opens or the stage is reset.

Autotransition Up & Down

Determines the time in wich the fader fades up and down.

Value Index

In a Stack with multiple Commands the Value Index determines the index of the Command whichs value is displayed in the label. Entering 0 results the percentage value.

Output Data Index

Silimar to the Value Index but determines the value that is being sent to the Faders output.

Round label

Determines if the value in the label is being rounded to the next whole number


The Fader offers 5 different modes of operation.

Mode Description
Default The Fader does not have any special behaviour.
Jump Back To Default The fader will jump back to the defines default value as soon as it is released.
To Max from Min As soon as the Fader reaches the minimum value it jumps back to the maximum.
To Min from Max As soon as the Fader reaches the maximum value it jumps back to the minimum.
To Opposite As soon as the Fader reaches the maximum value it jumps back to the minimum and vice versa.

Data Processing

This affects the sending behviour of the Fader. By default "Realtime" is selected. This means all values are sent to the device. In case of latest the value is only sent when the Fader is released.

Tick Count 1