UNIVERSE uses terms that relate to specific functions, objects or workflows. As the use of these terms in UNIVERSE may differ from other softwares or contexts we want to give you a quick overview over the terms that you will come across in UNIVERSE and the Docs.
Properties are settings that affect appearance or functional behaviour of objects like Devices, Controls, Stages, Modifiers, etc. in UNIVERSE. When an object is selected the Properties are listed under the Properties tab in the Info panel on the right of the Editor.
Stages are home to all the Controls, Device Nodes and Modifiers you need in your project. You can look at them as individual pages of your control interface.
Controls are the fundamental building blocks of your UNIVERSE interface. A Control can be a Button, Label, Fader, etc.
Devices are the interfaces in UNIVERSE that we use to connect to software or hardware devices in order to communicate with them and send and receive information.
A Command is an action that UNIVERSE can perform. Every Device has a pre-defined list of commands and every Command has a list of Parameters that are needed in order for the action to be executed.
A feature in UNIVERSE that to fetch additional information from other hardware or software, e.g. by requesting onformation about the currently loaded project over the API or by evaluating the project file.