UNIVERSE is designed to be very robust and continue working even if it receives unexpected input values or experiences heavy load. Sometimes, however it is important to notify you as a user about the occurance of such Events. In these cases UNIVERSE files an error report and opens up the submit report window. From there you can add your information to it and send the report directly to us for futher investigation. You can also open the report by clicking in the name stated in the dialog window.
If you need to access a report again after closing the window you can find all reports under C:\Users\"your user name"\Universe\Logs
Windows System Logs
In some rare cases UNIVERSE closes unexpectedly due to an error. When this happens the operating system documents the event and provides additional information on the cause. These details are very interesting for us in order to get to the root of the problem you experienced. To access the system logs you need to open the Windows Event Viewer. On the left of the Event Viewer panel there is a tree view. Select Windows-Logs and navigate to the Aplication entry. Once this is selected it might take a while to load the protocol. Logs created for UNIVERSE appear as pairs of Errors where one is listed with the source ".NET Runtime", the other with "Application Error". Identify the Events that are created around the time of the issue.
To export the Events select both of them and click "Save Selected Events" at the bottom on the right side panel. Save the Events to a file, name it according to your project and send it to us via email.